10 Apr
23 Mar
16 Jan

News of the project “Establishment of experimental integrated optical modulator production plant”

News of the project “Establishment of experimental integrated optical modulator production plant”


The project “Establishment of experimental integrated optical modulator production plant” started April 11, 2017.

Till beginning of 2018 nine procurements were finished. They foresee supply microscopes, photolithographic contact and exposure equipment, electron beam and temperature-resistant coating equipment, clean rooms, equipment for cutting plates and connecting chips, photoresist coating and baking equipment, plasma – chemical system, polarisation extinction ration measuring devices and equipment for measurement of impedance and LRC.

Contracts for supply of equipment are signed with companies UAB “Expertus Vilnensis”, Suss MicroTec Lithography GmbH, SIA “Olvi Group”, AS “Polyteknik”, Advanced Dicing Technologies Ltd.

Results of project foresee that in 2018 the new experimental technology with all experimental equipment and components will be implemented in real production environment.  After successful testing of the new technology, the company plans to launch a multi-function integrated optical module production in Riga, using a new reverse proton exchange technology in order to improve company’s final products – optical fiber gyro – its operational accuracy and durability.


The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Operational Program “Growth and Employment” specific support objective 1.2.1. “Increase private sector investment in R & D” measure “Support for the introduction of new products into production”.



Aleksandr Blumental, executive director

Phone: +371 67454103
email: blumental@opticalsolution.lv



Projekta “Eksperimentālās integrālo optisko modulatoru ražotnes izveide” īstenošana uzsākta 2017.gada 11. aprīlī.

Līdz 2018.gada sākumam pabeigti deviņi iepirkumi par mikroskopu, fotolitogrāfiskās kontaktsavienošanas un eksponēšanas iekārtas, elektronu staru un temperatūras izturīga pārklājuma iekārtas, plākšņu savienošanas čipu un griešanas iekārtu, fotorezista pārklāšanas un žāvēšanas iekārtas, plazmas – ķīmijas kodināšanas iekārtas, polarizācijas ekstinkcijas koeficienta mērīšanas iekārtas, iekārtas pretestības un tilpuma mērīšanai piegādi un tīro telpu izgatavošanu, piegādi un uzstādīšanu.

Līgumi par iekārtu piegādi noslēgti ar uzņēmumiem UAB “Expertus Vilnensis”, Suss MicroTec Lithography GmbH, SIA “Olvi Group”, AS “Polyteknik”, Advanced Dicing Technologies Ltd.

Projekta rezultātā 2018.gadā reālā ražošanas vidē tiks ieviesta jauna, eksperimentāla tehnoloģija ar eksperimentālām komponentēm jeb iekārtām. Pēc veiksmīgas tehnoloģijas testēšanas, uzņēmums plāno uzsākt daudzfunkcionālo integrālo optisko moduļu ražošanu Rīgā, izmantojot jaunu reversās protonu apmaiņas tehnoloģiju, lai tādējādi uzlabotu savas gala produkcijas – optiskās šķiedras žiroskopu – darbības precizitāti un izturību.


Projektu līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālā attīstības fonds, darbības programmas “Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 1.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Palielināt privātā sektora investīcijas P&A” pasākumā “Atbalsts jaunu produktu ieviešanai ražošanā”.



Aleksandrs Blūmentāls, izpilddirektors

Tel. 67454103
e-pasts: blumental@opticalsolution.lv

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05 Dec

FOS become Gold Level Patron of Fifth Annual IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems

We are happy to announce that Fiber Optical Solution become Gold Level Patron of Fifth Annual IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems. You can meet our team on 27-29 March 2018 in Lake Como, Italy.

The IEEE Inertial Sensors 2018 is sponsored by the IEEE Sensors Council and is the only IEEE event exclusively dedicated to the Inertial Sensors and Systems technology, the industry which is projected to exceed $4.0B this year.

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09 Oct

Projekta “Eksperimentālās integrālo optisko modulatoru ražotnes izveide” aktualitātes


Projekta “Eksperimentālās integrālo optisko modulatoru ražotnes izveide” īstenošana uzsākta 2017.gada 11. aprīlī.

Projekta sākumposmā noslēgti 2016.gadā izsludinātie iepirkumi un precizētas prasības projekta īstenošanai nepieciešamajām iekārtām un to piegādātājiem. Līdz 2017.gada augustam izsludināti iepirkumi par mikroskopu, fotolitogrāfiskās kontaktsavienošanas un eksponēšanas iekārtas, elektronu staru un temperatūras izturīga pārklājuma iekārtas piegādi un tīro telpu izgatavošanu, piegādi un uzstādīšanu. Septembrī izsludināti iepirkumi par fotorezista pārklāšanas un žāvēšanas iekārtu, polarizācijas ekstinkcijas koeficienta mērīšanas iekārtas, plazmas – ķīmijas kodināšanas iekārtas un iekārtas pretestības un tilpuma mērīšanai piegādi.

Iepirkums par mikroskopu piegādi šī gada augustā ir pabeigts un par to noslēgts līgums ar Lietuvas uzņēmumu UAB “Expertus Vilnensis”.

Projekta rezultātā līdz 2018.gada jūnijam reālā ražošanas vidē tiks ieviesta jauna, eksperimentāla tehnoloģija ar eksperimentālām komponentēm jeb iekārtām. Pēc veiksmīgas tehnoloģijas testēšanas, uzņēmums plāno uzsākt daudzfunkcionālo integrālo optisko moduļu ražošanu Rīgā, izmantojot jaunu reversās protonu apmaiņas tehnoloģiju, lai tādējādi uzlabotu savas gala produkcijas – optiskās šķiedras žiroskopu – darbības precizitāti un izturību.


Projektu līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālā attīstības fonds, darbības programmas “Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 1.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Palielināt privātā sektora investīcijas P&A” pasākumā “Atbalsts jaunu produktu ieviešanai ražošanā”.



Aleksandrs Blūmentāls, izpilddirektors

Tel. 67454103
e-pasts: blumental@opticalsolution.lv

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10 May

Establishment of experimental integrated optical modulator production plant with European Regional Development Fund co-financing

The project “Establishment of experimental integrated optical modulator production plant”

id. No.


Project goal: To increase Ltd. ‘’Fiber Optical Solution ‘’ productivity and competitiveness in world market by developing and implementing new technology in the production, which is required  to manufacture a new product line. To create new plant in Riga to manufacture optical modulators as full-scale experimental technology / the opening of the new experimental modulator plant will enable the company to implement a complete production cycle.


Project main activities:

  1. Manufacture experimental equipment to implement an experimental technology;
  2. Testing of experimental technology in real production environment while performing the economic activity;
  3. Preparation of experimental technology equipment and components, instructions and training manuals;
  4. Testing the new manufactured production with the experimental technology, to check all technical parameters and quality according to defined requirements of the new product line.

Planned results of the project:

The new experimental technology with all experimental equipment and components will be implemented in real production environment.  After successful testing of the new technology, the company plans to launch a multi-function integrated optical module production in Riga, using a new reverse proton exchange technology in order to improve company’s final products – optical fiber gyro – its operational accuracy and durability.


The planned project budget is 4’641’802.35 EUR incl European Regional Development Fund co-financing (35%) – 1’624’630.82 euro.



The project is planned to be finished until 11 June 2018.


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27 Oct

FOS attended 2nd Azerbaijan International Defence Exhibition (ADEX2016)

“Fiber Optical Solution” attended 2nd Azerbaijan International Defence Exhibition (ADEX2016). ADEX 2016 is a grand display of modern weaponry and equipment in Caspian region, which took place at Baku, Azerbaijan, 27-01 October. The ADEX exhibition is being held for only the second time, but it has already become the largest exhibition in the region. This year, ADEX is attended by 216 companies from 34 countries, and 29 delegations from 21 countries. The geographical spread of the participants has expanded to countries such as Croatia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, and Montenegro. In total, companies and delegations take part at the exhibition from 44 countries.


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13 Jan

FOS Website Renovation 2015


We have developed a brand new website that is fully responsive on any mobile devices including smartphones and iPads. This website has been built on a Wordpress platform. Also we’ve published few new pages such as Jobs Vacancies, News and Upcoming Products. About Us page includes link for Fiber Optical Solution Presentation 2014 .PDF file to download.

FOS logotype also has been rebranded. It did not went through complete changes but was redesigned up to date design standards.

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